I got busy making a living and was not able to keep up this blog. My job entails unsteady hours -- sometimes I have time to write or comment, other times I don't, and I have no control over it so I have to go with the flow. It's a shame because I enjoy writing and I have a lot on my mind that I'd like to write about. Writing helps to clarify my thoughts.
I hope to retire in 2020, and one of the things I'd like to do when I retire is write more.
In the meantime looking over these old posts, I can see that I was wrestling with the JG proposal. There were some things I liked about it and some things I didn't like. I can see how a JG might help some people but not others. I can see how a JG might be a popular program like the WPA, or it might be a gulag, depending on who is managing it. And so forth. In general I feel like I can look at both sides of an issue.
But many MMT'ers do not seem to see both sides. They view the JG through rose colored glasses, and that turns me off. I've decided that MMT is a cult and I've become disillusioned with them.
Mind you, I'm on board with functional finance and sectoral balances, but Abba Lerner and Wynne Godley were not MMTers. I'm on board with New Deal type job creation, but Harry Hopkins and Henry Wallace were not MMTers. The New Dealers were pragmatists, and so am I.
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